It seems that people can't get enough of weight loss and fat burning tips. Good fat loss tips based on successful experience of other people are great, but only if you apply them. Try to apply at least one of the following tips and I promise you'll see results.
Let green tea be Your favorite drink
Green tea which originally comes from Japan, has been very popular in the western part of the world the recent years. The reason for this is it has lots of health and weight loss benefits caused by increased fat burning. Although we don't fully know the mechanisms behind it's ability to burn fat, it is proven that green tea increases the amount of calories or fat the body burns. In addition to small amounts of caffeine, it also contains a compound called EGCG. Most scientists believe that this is what causes the increased fat or calorie burning. Read the label when you purchase green tea and make sure it states that the tea used is standardized for caffeine as well as for EGCG.
Drink Cold Water
This is also known as "hydrotherapy" and is a very efficient method that significantly contributes to fat burning and weight loss. Do the following:
When you wake up in the morning, drink 32 ounces of very cold water on an empty stomach.
Wait at least 30 minutes before you eat breakfast.
For enhancing this method to see even more fat loss, do the same before lunch. When lunch time approaches, drink 32 ounces of very cold water and wait for about 30 minutes before you eat your lunch.
Expect to lose two or even more pounds the first month you do this but be aware that if you’re consuming excess calories each day, this tip won’t work.
Now, what is the secret behind this tips? Simple. The cold water will force your body to raise its core temperature and thus stimulate your metabolism.
Perform cardio workout but in intervals
Twice a week you should do cardio training in intervals. Interval training is actually a mixture between high-intensity exercise and a more moderate workout intensity within the same training session. Why should you do this? Research have shown that people who perform interval exercise plus two other days of lower intensity cardio training lose twice as much weight as those who do just a moderate cardio.
Now, how should you incorporate the interval training into your workout? Do four to five minutes of moderate training then insert a 45 second intensive workout. Practice this on your bike, treadmill or when running. In these 45 seconds you mobilize maximal energy and run or bike as fast as you can. What happens is that your body will be working harder and thus be forced to burn more fat or calories. Set up a total of 25 minutes of workout. 3 days of interval traning and 2 days lower intensity cardio only.
Use Your brain and speed up Your metabolism
A specific study carried out at Memphis State University has shown that watching TV burns much less calories per time unit than intellectual activites like reading for example. So the moral is - use your brain; instead of watching TV, read and you'll burn fat and lose weight.
Best lucks.